Standard Trommel – These consist of a circular, rotating drum with a mesh surface that classifies materials according to their size. The mesh allows smaller particles, such as fine soil or sands, to pass/fall through and be collected by a conveyor beneath the drum. Larger materials, on the other hand, move towards the end of the trommel, often onto an oversize conveyor which separates them.
Heavy Duty Trommels – Similar to standard trommels, however they are much more heavy duty and robust. Typically used to clean/sift large rocks, whether they are from overburden or blasted rocks etc. and rid them of limestone, sticky clay or just remove generally unwanted materials, so that the rock is ready for crushing or separated into necessary specs. They can also be used to clean overburden rocks and separate them for their desired size.
Parts Available:
Drive/Support Wheels
Wear Plate Liners
Drive Belts
Head/Tail Pulleys
Track Parts
Hydraulic/Electric Motors
Gear Boxes
Remotes/Dog Leads
+ Much more