Overland Conveyors – These are employed to efficiently and dependably transport bulk materials across vast distances and challenging landscapes. In certain scenarios, they serve as a substitute for trucking since they can handle larger amounts of material, at higher speeds, while also offering economic advantages.
Stackers – Can be static or radial. They are a substantial piece of equipment utilized in handling bulk materials. Its primary purpose is to create large stockpiles by stacking materials, minimizing the space taken up by a product/material. Radial stackers allow for stockpiles to be distributed across a distance, as they can move whilst building stockpiles.
Truck Unloaders – A very cost-effective piece of equipment, these allow for materials to be dumped directly from a truck onto a conveyor belt, which often feeds other conveyors. Allowing for faster and more effective operations.
Parts Available:
Wear Plate Liners
Drive Belts
Skirt Board Rubber
Head/Tail Pulleys
Track Parts
Hydraulic/Electric Motors
Hyrdaulic Pumps
Gear Boxes
Remotes/Dog Leads
+ Much more